Allweier Präzisionsteile GmbH




Your advantage

  • everything from one source
  • ability to react to urgent orders
  • our know-how is utilized even during the development stage
  • high level of professional competence
  • easy procurement
  • extensive manufacturing penetration
Turned part
Turning part
Turning part

+ Simply click on one of the images to enlarge it.

Manufacturing penetration

The diversity of our manufacturing capabilities enables us to fulfill complex requirements through a combination of different manufacturing processes in a very cost-effective manner.

Our broad selection of machinery makes us the partner of choice for all your large and small product requirements.

Benefit from our flexibility and diversity.

Batch size

We can manufacture the products for you according to a given technical drawing or, we can help with your production release by working closely together with you during your new product’s development or prototype phase. Hence, our technological and economical expertise can be implemented in good time, and contribute to the final series production.

Prototype parts, pilot production runs, small to mid-sized or large-lot series production runs can all be undertaken at our facilities.


  • aluminium /casting
  • grey cast iron
  • steel
  • cast steel
  • titanium
  • specialized materials such as Inconel
  • and many others

CAD data files

We have implemented ProEngineer Wildfire in our corporation giving us the ability to further process your data files.

Suitability of our technical equipment

Should you be unable to determine the suitability of our technical equipment for your tasks directly from the technology pages, then please feel free to contact us. We continually improve and optimize our technology.

Participate in our technological know-how.


Allweier Präzisionsteile GmbH - Zum Degenhardt 3 - 88662 Überlingen
Tel.: +49 7551 9207-0 - Fax:+49 7551 9207-55 - e-Mail: post(at)


© 2014 Allweier Präzisionsteile GmbH / Allweier Systeme GmbH